Fistula-in-ano By Ayurveda
What is Fistula-in-ano as Ayurvedic View Bhagandara (Fistula-in-ano): An Ayurvedic Perspective Definition of Bhagandara (Fistula-in-ano): (Bhaga= Vagina, Darana= tear, spitting) ते तु भगगुदबस्ति प्रदेशदारणाश्च ‘भगंदरा’ इत्युच्यन्ते । अभिन्ना: पिडका:, भिन्नास्तु...
BHAGANDAR (FISTULA IN ANO) Kshar Sutra Treatment
BHAGANDAR (FISTULA IN ANO) Anorectal Fistula A fistula is an abnormal communication between two epithelial/endothelial-lined surfaces. A fistula in ano has its external opening in the peri anal skin and its internal opening in the anal canal. Pathophysiology Anorectal...
Kshar Sutra Center MsArogyam @ Noida, NCR, Delhi, Faridabad, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad
Kshar Sutra Center MsArogyam @:: NCR, Delhi, Faridabad, Gurgaon, Noida , Ghaziabad This is our Ne\w Clinic @ Ghaziabad Call :: 9412637645, +91 9219434343 @ vinayak hospital multispeciality hospital trauma center Kshar sutra operation @ Vinayak Hospital...
Best Food for Hemorrhoid (Piles) Patient Helpful Food and Food to Avoid
The Alternative Food for Hemorrhoid Patient Causes of Piles · Bowel disorders · Chronic constipation · Feeling of hurriedness during passing of tools · Hereditary may also responsible for it. · Obesity · Prolong periods of standing or sitting · Strenuous work ·...